Rhiannon Story Yoga
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About RHiannon Story Yoga

Battling to balance a busy job in the corporate world with a fulfilling life outside of work had me on the brink of burn-out far too often. I would find myself flapping over every problem and panicking at each deadline, living for the weekend but then spending it feeling drained. I’d often cancel on friends and was guaranteed to get sick when I stopped to take a holiday. Sound familiar?

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Yoga was always in the background but for years I only ever saw it as exercise. It just happened to be exercise that left me feeling really, really good. It took a long time for me to recognise how my mind felt after a class - not just my body - but once I’d clocked the subtle shifts I couldn’t not notice them. 

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I find the science behind the mind-body-breath connection fascinating, especially the impact on our nervous system. I also believe the better we get at connecting to ourselves and our own minds, bodies and breath, the better we’re able to connect to the world and people around us. Yoga to me now is like topping up on my supply of clarity, compassion and calm which so often gets diminished in day to day life. 

I really hope this platform helps you connect back to you. I can’t wait to hear how you get on!

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Yoga Your Way

Here’s to finding our way from frazzled, foggy and achey to calm, clear and ready to take on another day. 


Live Classes

Practise with me on Zoom from the comfort of your own home (and mine!)

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Class Library

Whether you fancy a one time flow or you’re seeking inspiration to grow a more regular yoga practice, I’ve got you covered.

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Private Classes

From 1:1 sessions to corporate classes, I can guide you or your group through tailored yoga that meets your needs

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