Rhiannon Story Yoga
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"Got a question? Check out my Frequently Asked Questions.

Want to discuss classes? Fill out the form below.

For the latest class timetable and general musings, follow me on Instagram @storylondonyoga.

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What equipment do I need?

A mat and stretchy or loose clothing are all you need. Occasionally we’ll work with props - no fancy yoga bolster? A chunky cushion will do. Not got yoga blocks? Two thick and sturdy books are perfect. No yoga strap? A tie or dressing gown belt work just as well. There’s really no need to invest in expensive leggings or special kit :)

Do I need to be flexible to do yoga?

NO! This is the biggest myth about yoga and it’s what puts so many people off! When we see a yoga studio full of Bendy Wendys chances are many of them will be hyper-mobile. They’ll find yoga poses relatively ‘easy’, get a kick from feeling like they’ve nailed it, and so keep coming back. A decent teacher should offer variations for all bodies.

How do I know which class to choose?

Some of the sessions are a little slower, some are sweaty, some a bit more spiritual - and sometimes we hit all 3. Take what you feel like you need today and if you can’t find what you’re looking for, please get in touch.  

What if I’m new to yoga?

I recommend joining a Zoom class first, that way I can offer modifications if needed. Better yet, book in for a 1:1 class and we’ll get you glowing with confidence in no time! If this isn’t an option (and you feel comfortable too), why not film yourself taking one of my classes and I’ll follow up with personal guidance. 

Can I do the videos more than once?

Once purchased, these videos are yours to own for life. You can keep coming back to your favourites, or keep playing with new sessions. Your practice, your rules!

How can I find out more about other (non-physical) elements of yoga?

Drop me an email, I love to chat about this stuff! I’m always happy to offer recommendations on books, podcasts, or teachers to look out for. I share little tips like these in my monthly newsletter - you can sign up here